Book: Knee Ability Zero
Are you plagued with knee problems? Do your knees buckle or hurt when going up the stairs? Your knees, regardless of your genetics, are not supposed to be that way. Ben Patrick, the auther, also known as the KneesOverToesGuy on social media, had knees just like yours, maybe even worse. At 12 years old, he was worried about being the last one out of the building if there ever was a fire drill and was nicknamed "Old Man." But Ben had a dream, a dream to be able to dunk just like Michael Jordan but every year his knees kept letting him down until he had an epiphany:
The athlete who's knees can go furthest and strongest over his or her toes is the most protected
- Ben Patrick
Taking this epiphany, he set out to find if anyone else had that thought and found one lone strength coach in Australia named Jeremy Shulman who was a student of Charles Poliquin. Let me remind you that at that time, NO ONE recommended moving your knees past your toes, especially when bearing weight, because of the added pressures which was thought to lead to earlier degeneration of the knees. But Ben and Charles proved that wrong. After using some of their techniques to rehabilitate his knees, Ben kept innovating. This book is a result of that innovation. It's a small 90 page book with almost more pictures than words that gives you 8 exercises to rehabilitate your knees from any starting point as well as why they are important and what they aim to achieve.
- Walking Backwards (Optional)
- Tibialis Raise
- Flexor Hallucis Longus Calf Raise
- Knees Over Toes Calf Raise
- The Patrick Step
- The Split Squat
- The Elephant Walk
- The L-sit
- The Couch Stretch
Since Ben wants to help ride the world of the almost 800,000 yearly knee surgeries, you can find videos and illustrations for many of these exercises online. However, he has a lot more content, examples, programs, and knowledge available with his programs on his site.